In this post we’ll create some simple functions to generate and chart a Receiver Operator (ROC) curve and visualize it using Plotly. See Carson’s plotly book for more details around changes in syntax.
We’ll do this from a credit risk perspective i.e. validating a bank’s internal rating model (we’ll create a sample dataset keeping this in mind)
We’ll replicate computations highlighted in this paper.
library(plotly) library(dplyr) library(flux)
Sample data
set.seed(123) n <- 100000 lowest.rating <- 10 # Sample internal ratings # Say we have a rating scale of 1 to 10̥ ratings <- sample(1:lowest.rating, size = n, replace = T) # Defaults # We'll randomly assign defaults concentrating more defaults # in the lower rating ranges. We'll do this by creating exponentially # increasing PDs across the rating range power <- 5 PD <- log(1:lowest.rating) PD <- PD ^ power #PD <- exp((1:lowest.rating)) PD <- PD/(max(PD) * 1.2) # increased denominator to make the PDs more realistic Now given PD for eac rating category sample from a binomial distribution # to assign actual defaults defaults <- rep(0, n) k <- 1 for(i in ratings){ defaults[k] <- rbinom(1, 1, PD[i]) k <- k + 1 } dataset <- data.frame(Rating = ratings, Default = defaults) # Check if dataset looks realistic̥ # df <- dataset %>% # group_by(Rating) %>% # summarize(Def = sum(Default == 1), nDef = sum(Default == 0))
ROC Curve Computation
Now that we have a sample dataset to work with we can start to create the ROC curve
ROCFunc <- function(cutoff, df){ # Function counts the number of defaults hap̥pening in all the rating # buckets less than or equal to the cutoff # Number of hits = number of defaults with rating < cutoff / total defaults # Number of false alarms = number ofnon defaults with rating < cutoff / total non defaults nDefault <- sum(df$Default == 1) notDefault <- sum(df$Default == 0) temp <- df %>% filter(Rating >= cutoff) hits <- sum(temp$Default == 1)/nDefault falsealarm <- sum(temp$Default == 0)/notDefault ret <- matrix(c(hits, falsealarm), nrow = 1) colnames(ret) <- c("Hits", "Falsealarm") return(ret) } # Arrange ratings in decreasing order # A lower rating is better than a higher rating vec <- sort(unique(ratings), decreasing = T) ROC.df <- data.frame() for(i in vec){ ROC.df <- rbind(ROC.df, ROCFunc(i, dataset)) } # Last row to complete polygon labels <- data.frame(x = ROC.df$Falsealarm, y = ROC.df$Hits, text = vec) ROC.df <- rbind(c(0,0), ROC.df) # Area under curve AUC <- round(auc(ROC.df$Falsealarm, ROC.df$Hits),3)
plot_ly(ROC.df, y = ~Hits, x = ~Falsealarm, hoverinfo = "none") %>% add_lines(name = "Model", line = list(shape = "spline", color = "#737373", width = 7), fill = "tozeroy", fillcolor = "#2A3356") %>% add_annotations(y = labels$y, x = labels$x, text = labels$text, ax = 20, ay = 20, arrowcolor = "white", arrowhead = 3, font = list(color = "white")) %>% add_segments(x = 0, y = 0, xend = 1, yend = 1, line = list(dash = "7px", color = "#F35B25", width = 4), name = "Random") %>% add_segments(x = 0, y = 0, xend = 0, yend = 1, line = list(dash = "10px", color = "black", width = 4), showlegend = F) %>% add_segments(x = 0, y = 1, xend = 1, yend = 1, line = list(dash = "10px", color = "black", width = 4), showlegend = F) %>% add_annotations(x = 0.8, y = 0.2, showarrow = F, text = paste0("Area Under Curve: ", AUC), font = list(family = "serif", size = 18, color = "#E8E2E2")) %>% add_annotations(x = 0, y = 1, showarrow = F, xanchor = "left", xref = "paper", yref = "paper", text = paste0("Receiver Operator Curve"), font = list(family = "arial", size = 30, color = "#595959")) %>% add_annotations(x = 0, y = 0.95, showarrow = F, xanchor = "left", xref = "paper", yref = "paper", text = paste0("Charts the percentage of correctly identified defaults (hits) against the percentage of non defaults incorrectly identifed as defaults (false alarms)"), font = list(family = "serif", size = 14, color = "#999999")) %>% layout(xaxis = list(range = c(0,1), zeroline = F, showgrid = F, title = "Number of False Alarms"), yaxis = list(range = c(0,1), zeroline = F, showgrid = F, domain = c(0, 0.9), title = "Number of Hits"), plot_bgcolor = "#E8E2E2", height = 800, width = 1024)